Color Testing

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Color plays a significant role in the visual representation of the food that we eat, along with other elements like flavors, taste, etc. as it severely impacts the buying decision of the consumer. Food color is a pigment, dye, or some substance that is made by a process of synthesis, extraction, or otherwise derived from vegetables, or other sources that when added to a food impart color to it. It finds applications in various food items like Dairy, spices, ice-creams, baked goods, desserts, snacks, processed food products, etc. Many manufacturers in the food industry face the key challenge to ensure the quality of the product is high and displaying optimal performance while paramount ‘Product Safety’ by assessing the presence of potentially harmful chemicals.
Cultivator Phyto Lab is your one-stop partner for color testing services, our advanced and high-tech laboratories, supports and offer a range of testing services for potential allergens or active substances in the edible colors used by the industry for their products.

Natural Color Testing







Synthetic Color Testing
Brilliant Blue
Allura Red AC
Sunset Yellow
Indigo Carmine
Fast Green
Ponceau 4R


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The Rise of Beauty in Ayurveda Nurture

The Rise of Beauty in Ayurveda Nurture

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medical system, emphasizes the balance of body, mind, and spirit to achieve optimal health and beauty. Ayurveda is based on the idea of the interconnectedness of all things, as well as nature’s ability to heal and renew. In recent years, Ayurvedic concepts have permeated several facets of wellness, including skincare, haircare, and overall lifestyle practices, gaining popularity for their effectiveness and gentle, holistic approach.