Water is integral to life on the planet that we call ‘Earth.’ With the current pace of increase in population and drastic fall in the availability of potable water, a new concern has also surfaced. Water quality testing has become a concern of paramount importance in this pollution-ridden world. Detailed quality testing must be done for potable water before further usage. Let’s learn about water quality testing and how it’s done in advanced laboratories.

Statista states that unsafe water has resulted in approximately 485,000 deaths in 2020 alone, much higher than deaths caused by natural disasters and conflicts. India has had improved access to safe drinking water in recent years, but still, there is a long way to go. In the FY-2020, only 50.66 percent of the rural population in India had access to safe and adequate drinking water, per another Statista report.

Similarly, another research has suggested that amongst all the countries, The United States is known to have the safest water supplies in the world. Tap water from community water systems is subject to safe water drinking standards. Depending on the condition of the water source from which it is drawn and how it is treated, the quality of the drinking water varies.

For the USA, community water systems must follow the rules set forth by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). The details of the permissible and desirable limits for various parameters in drinking water as per Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specifications for potable water (IS -10500: 2012) must also be considered during lab testing. These regulations include guidelines for drinking water quality, water testing methods, and water testing schedules. Cultivator Phyto Lab adheres to national and international drinking water quality testing policies.

However, water contamination can still occur no matter what regulations they follow. Here are a few possible sources of contamination:

● Chemicals and minerals that occur naturally
● Fertilizers, pesticides, concentrated feeding operations
● Sewage releases
● Industrial processes
● Wastewater treatment systems that do not function properly

That is where water testing comes into action. It is typically carried out to meet the regulatory requirements and adhere to the safety procedures. This broad concept involves many techniques to evaluate and analyze water quality.

Before we delve into the details of water testing, let’s revolve around the basics:

What is Water Quality?

Water quality is generally referred to as the measure of the suitability of water for a specific purpose based on its physical, chemical, and biological parameters:

● Physical Parameters

These include characteristics determined by the senses of smell, light, taste, and touch. Temperature, odor, color, flavor, turbidity, and content of dissolved solids are some of the most common physical parameters.

● Chemical Parameters

These are the measurements of those characteristics which reflect the environment with which water has contact. Chemical parameters measure hardness, pH, amount of dissolved oxygen, chlorine residue, levels of chloride, nitrogen, fluoride, iron, manganese, copper, and toxic organic and inorganic substances.

● Biological Parameters

These parameters reflect the number of algae, bacteria, viruses, and protozoa found in water.

What is Water Quality Testing?

Water testing is typically done to:

● Ensure water is fit for drinking and other potable uses
● Ensure their compliance procedures are suitable for the use
● Determine the efficacy of a water treatment system

Be it the homeowners wanting to ensure that the water is suitable for consumption or the governmental organizations trying to protect us from the health risks associated with water contamination; water testing is necessary for everyone affected by the water industry.

How Does Water Testing Work?

With the ever-evolving and advancing modern chemistry, it has become possible to detect harmful chemicals and bacteria in water. Also, the modernization of technology has reached a level where the water can be tested for small concentrations.

Here are a few specific ways to perform tests that guarantee accurate results with a fast turnaround time:

1. Use of Test Strips You can determine the concentration of the chemicals in the water as these strips change color.
2. Use of Hand-Held Digital Meters – These portable digital meters are used to test different chemicals present in water.
3. Use of Color Disk Kits – They can test a wide range of chemicals in the water.

As easy and convenient as these tests are to perform, their accuracy can hardly be compared to the professional analysis performed in a well-equipped laboratory.

If you wish to cover a wide range of pollutants, be 100% sure of the results, or choose your parameters for testing, there is no better option than laboratory testing.

Why is Water Testing a Critical Aspect?

People worldwide rely on the private water supply, including wells, ponds, and dugouts. To ensure superior water quality for people’s overall well-being, you must monitor the quality of your water and test it regularly. This will enable you to eliminate the potential health hazards related to water contamination.

Water testing offers us the knowledge needed to address the problem of water contamination. This process ensures that the water is protected from every possible contamination cause and the concerned authorities follow the best-suited approach to the treatment process.

What Should you Test for?

In our water testing program, we generally test for the following traits:

● Total Viable Count (TVC) – This is used to determine the total number of organisms and gives an overall indication of the general water quality.
● Pseudomonas – Testing this bacteria is critical as it can lead to detrimental blockages and corrosion of the pipes.
● Legionella – It causes Legionnaires’ disease.

How Often Should You Test the Water?

Be it residential water testing or commercial, consistently checking whether the water is free from contaminants and suitable for use is crucial. The laboratory water testing checks should be performed at least twice a year.

We at Cultivator Phyto Lab recommend you get the water tested even if they are not suspected of any contamination for pH, bacteria, chlorine levels, pesticides, and other residues and microscopic elements.

And, if you experience that the water condition has significantly changed, we advise you carry out unscheduled water testing. The water is becoming translucent, and an appearance of a strange odor is a telltale sign.

Trust us for Thorough Water Quality Testing & Analysis

Our team of qualified & experienced experts is adept at drinking water analysis. We provide accurate and precise test results with a fast turnaround time following the standard national and international regulations. Our tailor-made solutions are sure to fulfill all your testing needs.
If you have any queries or are ready to test your drinking water, get in touch with us.