Be cation your emotional choice before selecting baby food

Babies represent the country’s future, and their requirements, such as nutrition, vaccination, and medical care, are always priority. In this section, we addressed one of the most important topics: infant food and safety concerns. Baby food of all varieties can be assessed in a variety of ways to establish quality, nutritional content, flavour, and safety. Mindfulness that breastfeeding milk is the best for children and incomparable to other sources of nutrition. A review could include the following aspects

Baby food needs to proper review
  • Age Appropriateness: Ensure the food is suitable for your baby’s developmental stage. For instance, some foods are designed for infants starting solids, while others are for older babies who can handle more texture. Their need less amount food but it should be highly nutritious full food to compensate the growth and development, hygiene and easy to digest.
  • Texture and Consistency: Babies have varying preferences for food texture and consistency. Baby food has an adequate texture that new-borns can swallow and digest.
  • Taste and Flavour: Taste is vital for ensuring that new-borns enjoy their meals. Reviewers can taste-test the baby food to judge its flavour and whether it appeals to new-borns’ palates.
  • Safety and Packaging: When it comes to infant food, safety is the most important consideration. Baby food packaging must be BPA-free, toxic chemicals free and have undergone extensive safety testing to ensure the product is free of pollutants and pathogens.
  • Baby food adulteration: Baby food requires extensive testing for all types of suspected adulteration, including physiochemical, biological, and chemical. Melamine, for example, is used as an adulterant in milk products to provide an artificially high protein content, which may be harmful to humans, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2019.
  • Allergen Information: To guarantee the safety of new-borns with food allergies, possible allergens must be clearly labelled on baby food. Reviewers can determine whether the product provides comprehensive allergen information.

Regulation for baby food

Baby food needs to review 4

The baby food regulations are meant to assure the safety and nutritional adequacy of infant feeds. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has changed the limitations for important elements in infant foods, including selenium, manganese, iron, and biotin. Infant food shall be free from preservatives, added colours and Flavours. These adjustments respond to industry problems while maintaining safety and quality standards. Baby food makers must test their goods for harmful components such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in order to ensure their safety.

To inform consumers, manufacturers must declare the levels of certain harmful substances in infant food and comply with strict labelling standards. These restrictions are part of a larger effort to protect infants by requiring that baby food products satisfy the highest levels of safety and nutrition. Manufacturers must comply with these requirements in order to provide safe and nutritious products for young consumers.

IS 14433 defines the criteria for baby milk substitutes in India. It specifies the required composition, quality, safety, and labelling criteria to ensure that the product is safe for infant eating. The standard strives to ensure nutritional adequacy and preserve baby health through demanding manufacturing practices. Whereas IS 11536 specifies processed cereal-based supplementary foods for babies and young children. It addresses nutritional criteria, ingredients, preparation, packaging, and labelling regulations to guarantee that these goods are safe, high-quality, and nutritionally adequate for young customers.

Baby food needs to review 2
  • We are a world-class certified laboratory that does all testing for various food and agriculture goods under one roof in a testing facility and customizes testing services to meet national and international compliances. We have a dedicated squad for sampling facilities to assure sample integrity from field to laboratory. Our certified food analyzer delivers accurate and dependable results for your dream products.


Dr. Sanjoy Gupta (Ph.D)

Dr. Sanjoy Gupta (Ph.D)

Senior Officer- Training and Capacity Building

Dr. Sanjoy Gupta is a seasoned researcher with 13 years of experience across plant biotechnology, health science, nutrition, phytoplankton, and botanical studies. He has conducted research at reputed institutions like CSIR IIP, BSI, NIOT, and Cultivator Natural Products. With over a dozen published articles in national/international journals and thoughtful blog contributions, Dr. Gupta’s multidisciplinary expertise advances knowledge in holistic wellness and scientific innovation.

Sajid Hussain

Sajid Hussain

Deputy Technical Manager (Food/Water/AYUSH/Cosmetic - Testing)

Sajid Hussain is a versatile analytical science expert with M.Sc. degrees in Food & Nutrition, Chemistry, and relevant diplomas. Boasting over 10 years of experience across diverse domains like food testing, pharmaceuticals, environmental studies, and more. A seasoned auditor for NABL, FSSAI, BIS, and ISO accreditations. Holds FSSAI Food Analytical certification and AYUSH approved chemist credential. Contributes research articles and blogs, showcasing technical proficiency. A distinguished figure in analytical science with a proven track record.

Reference :

  1. Swati S Rathod, Dr. Swapnil Jaiswal and Dr. Deepak Bornare. Review on aspects of infant food. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(9S): 1524-1527. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2022.v11.i9Ss.15585
  2. Nasirpour, A., Scher, J., & Desobry, S. (2006). Baby Foods: Formulations and Interactions (A Review). Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 46(8), 665–681.
  5. Liu Y, Zhou S, Han W, Li C, Liu W, Qiu Z, Chen H. Detection of Adulteration in Infant Formula Based on Ensemble Convolutional Neural Network and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Foods. 2021 Apr 6;10(4):785. doi: 10.3390/foods10040785. PMID: 33917308; PMCID: PMC8067368.
  6. Balabin R.M., Smirnov S.V. Melamine detection by mid- and near-infrared (MIR/NIR) spectroscopy: A quick and sensitive method for dairy products analysis including liquid milk, infant formula, and milk powder. 2011;85:562–568. doi: 10.1016/j.talanta.2011.04.026.